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Times and Spaces. Classics of the Collection

In this exhibition the Von der Heydt Museum's unique collection, with its pro-nounced focus on the 19th century and classical modernism, is presented for the first time in many years in a permanent exhibition and in a new form. The newly conceived presentation brings together selected paintings and sculptures from the 17th century to the 1960s - many of which are our visitor’s firm favourites.
The sorting of the works in groups is special: under the title "Times and Spaces", they are arranged like a kind of visual travel guide that leads through the forma-tive spaces and periods of European art history of the last centuries, for example the Netherlands and Flanders, the art metropolises of Paris and Berlin or the in-conspicuous little town of Worpswede, which nevertheless provided significant impulses. The exhibition will therefore not so much build up a chronology in the classical sense, but above all it will show artistic networks. Works by Ludwig Richter, Gustave Courbet, Hans von Marées, Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Otto Dix, Hans Arp and many more will be on display.
With over 2,000 paintings, 500 sculptures, 800 photographs and 30,000 graphic works, the Von der Heydt Museum has one of the most important art collections in Germany. Its systematic development began in the early years of the 20th cen-tury and continues to this day. With the exhibition "Times and Spaces - Classics of the Collection", the museum invites visitors to rediscover its high-calibre and internationally renowned holdings through a precise selection. At the same time, it marks Wuppertal as a cultural centre of distinction in North Rhine-Westphalia.


Beteiligte Sammlungen
Von der Heydt Museum
45 Minuten



Floor plan of the exhibition

Floor plan of the exhibition

Room 1

Flanders and the Netherlands: 16th/17th Centuries

Room 1

Stillleben mit Wildschweinkopf – Still Life with the Head of a Wild Boar – Yaban Domuzu Kafasıyla Natürmort

Snyders, Frans (1579-1657) | Maler:in

Stillleben mit Wildschweinkopf – Still Life with the Head of a Wild Boar – Yaban Domuzu Kafasıyla Natürmort

Mädchen auf der Wiese – Girl in the meadow – Çayırdaki kız

Richter, Ludwig (1803-1884) | Maler:in

Mädchen auf der Wiese – Girl in the meadow – Çayırdaki kız

Die Steilküste bei Étretat – The cliffs of Étretat – Étretat’ın Uçurumu

Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877) | Maler:in

Die Steilküste bei Étretat – The cliffs of Étretat – Étretat’ın Uçurumu

Room 2

Paris / Berlin:
Beginning of 20th Century

Room 2

Mann mit Pelerine – Man with tippet – Pelerinli Adam

Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) | Künstler:in
Heydt, Eduard von der (1882-1964) | Vorbesitzer:in
Heydt, August von der (1851-1929) | Vorbesitzer:in

Mann mit Pelerine – Man with tippet – Pelerinli Adam

Selbstbildnis als Clown – Self-Portrait as Clown – Palyaço Olarak Otoportre

Beckmann, Max (Leipzig, 1884 - New York, 1950) | Maler:in
Heydt, Eduard von der (1882-1964) | Vorbesitzer:in

Selbstbildnis als Clown – Self-Portrait as Clown – Palyaço Olarak Otoportre

Room 3

Paris/France, Second Half of the 19th Century

Room 3

Blick auf das Meer – View of the sea – Deniz Manzarası

Monet, Claude (1840-1926) | Maler:in

Blick auf das Meer – View of the sea – Deniz Manzarası

Tänzerin in Ruhestellung – Dancer at Rest – Dinlenen Dansçılar

Degas, Edgar (1834-1917) | Künstler:in

Tänzerin in Ruhestellung – Dancer at Rest – Dinlenen Dansçılar

Ohne Titel – Wandobjekt – untitled – unvansız

Haraguchi, Noriyuki (1946-2020) | Bildhauer:in

Ohne Titel – Wandobjekt – untitled – unvansız

Stillleben mit exotischen Vögeln – Still life with exotic birds – Egzotik Kuşlarla Natürmort

Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) | Maler:in
Heydt, Eduard von der (1882-1964) | Vorbesitzer:in
Heydt, August von der (1851-1929) | Vorbesitzer:in

Stillleben mit exotischen Vögeln – Still life with exotic birds – Egzotik Kuşlarla Natürmort

Segelboote im Hafen von Saint-Tropez – Sailboats in the Port of Saint-Tropez – Saint-Tropez Limanında Yelkenliler

Signac, Paul (1863-1935) | Maler:in

Segelboote im Hafen von Saint-Tropez – Sailboats in the Port of Saint-Tropez – Saint-Tropez Limanında Yelkenliler

Room 4

Munich/Germany, 19th Century

Room 4

Flora, die Blumen weckend – Flora, Awakening the Flowers – Flora’nın Çiçekleri Uyandırışı

Böcklin, Arnold (1827-1901) | Maler:in

Flora, die Blumen weckend – Flora, Awakening the Flowers – Flora’nın Çiçekleri Uyandırışı

Selbstbildnis mit Hildebrand und Grant – Self-portrait with Hildebrand and Grant – Hildebrand ve Grant ile Otoportre

Marées, Hans von (1837-1887) | Maler:in
Heydt, August von der (1851-1929) | Vorbesitzer:in

Selbstbildnis mit Hildebrand und Grant – Self-portrait with Hildebrand and Grant – Hildebrand ve Grant ile Otoportre

Room 5

Switzerland/Norway/Germany, Late 19th / Early 20th Centuries

Room 5

Stillleben mit Goldfischglas – Still Life with Fish Bowl – Kavanozda Japon Balığı ile Natürmort

Modersohn-Becker, Paula (1876-1907) | Maler:in
Heydt, August von der (1851-1929) | Vorbesitzer:in
Heydt, Eduard von der (1882-1964) | Vorbesitzer:in

Stillleben mit Goldfischglas – Still Life with Fish Bowl – Kavanozda Japon Balığı ile Natürmort

Winterlandschaft bei Mondschein – Winter Landscape at Moonrise – Ay Işığında Kış Manzarası

Munch, Edvard (1863-1944) | Maler:in
Heydt, Eduard von der (1882-1964) | Vorbesitzer:in

Winterlandschaft bei Mondschein – Winter Landscape at Moonrise – Ay Işığında Kış Manzarası

Der Holzfäller – The Lumberjack – Oduncu

Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918) | Maler:in

Der Holzfäller – The Lumberjack – Oduncu

Room 6

Munich/Germany, 1908–14

Room 6

Fuchs (Blauschwarzer Fuchs) – Fox – Tilki

Marc, Franz (1880-1916) | Maler:in
Heydt, August von der (1851-1929) | Vorbesitzer:in
Heydt, Eduard von der (1882-1964) | Vorbesitzer:in

Fuchs (Blauschwarzer Fuchs) – Fox – Tilki

Mädchen mit Pfingstrosen – Girl with Peonies – Şakayıklar ile Kız

Jawlensky, Alexej von (1864-1941) | Maler:in

Mädchen mit Pfingstrosen – Girl with Peonies – Şakayıklar ile Kız

Room 7

Dresden and Berlin / Germany, 1905–14

Room 7

Lesende (Else Lasker-Schüler) – Reader – Okuyan Kadın

Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl (1884-1976) | Künstler:in
Lasker-Schüler, Else (1869-1945) | Dargestellte

Lesende (Else Lasker-Schüler) – Reader – Okuyan Kadın

Frauen auf der Straße – Women in the Street – Caddedeki Kadınlar

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (06.05.1880 - 15.06.1938 ) | Künstler:in

Frauen auf der Straße – Women in the Street – Caddedeki Kadınlar

Doppelstele Nr. II – Double stele No. II

Beck, Gerlinde (1930-2006) | Bildhauer:in

Doppelstele Nr. II – Double stele No. II

Room 8

Weimar, Cologne and Düsseldorf, 1920s and 30s

Room 8

Zwölfergruppe mit Interieur – Group of Twelve with Interior – İç Mekanlı On iki Figür

Schlemmer, Oskar (1888-1943) | Maler:in

Zwölfergruppe mit Interieur – Group of Twelve with Interior – İç Mekanlı On iki Figür

Halbakt – Half Nude – Yarı-Çıplak

Schad, Christian (1894-1982) | Maler:in

Halbakt – Half Nude – Yarı-Çıplak

An die Schönheit – To Beauty – Güzelliğe

Dix, Otto (1891-1969) | Maler:in

An die Schönheit – To Beauty – Güzelliğe

Collection statistics

Collection statistics

Room 9

Sculpture. A Selection

Room 9


Afinger, Bernhard (1813-1882) | Bildhauer:in
Lilienthal, Ludwig von (1828-1893) | Vorbesitzer:in


Schreitender Mann – The Walking – Man Yürüyen Adam

Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917) | Bildhauer:in

Schreitender Mann – The Walking – Man Yürüyen Adam


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