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Die letzten Heuschober

Vlaminck, Maurice de (1876-1958) | Künstler:in


In his late work, Vlaminck returned to the motif of the haystack, a tall pile of hay stacked in the open air. This may have been due to his enthusiasm for the agricultural landscape of northern France. From an art-historical point of view, there are also two important references that must have been important to the painter. Between 1888 and 1891, Monet, whom Vlaminck admired well into his old age, painted his now famous series of haystacks that he had observed in the fields near his estate at Giverny. He captured them at different times of the day and year, with light always playing a key role. Van Gogh also painted the subject in Provence in 1888 - Vlaminck regarded the Dutch artist as his most important model, especially in the early years.

Apart from the subject, however, Vlaminck's Haystacks has little in common with either Monet or van Gogh, for the atmosphere of the painting is completely different. Deep black storm clouds hang over the two heaps of grain, and dark shadows lie across the field. The effect is almost eerie. On the right, above the three small houses, indicated only by a brushstroke, the sky shows a hint of blue and a faint streak of light can be seen over the horizon - a brief moment of light.

Material & Technik
Öl auf Leinwand
Musée d‘art moderne Paris
Ort & Datierung
AMVP 2681