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Rueil, das Bootshaus

Vlaminck, Maurice de (1876-1958) | Künstler:in


From the Petite Île de Chatou, Vlaminck captured the boathouse of the title, which belonged to the Fournaise restaurant in Rueil. Bright red, it immediately catches the eye. Located on the banks of the river next to the railway bridge, the boathouse was popular with boaters from Paris at weekends. On the pier in front of it, painted orange, there is a running figure and a few small boats in the water.

In addition to the boathouse, Vlaminck also painted a second subject: a boat at anchor in the foreground on the right. It is not shown in its entirety, but is cut off by the edge of the picture, a compositional choice that links Vlaminck formally to the works of the Nabis group. The horizontal areas of black, white and red give the boat a striking appearance. The red corresponds to the colour of the boathouse and is echoed in a small boat on the left. The painter has thus created a harmonious link between foreground and background. The painting was shown in Paris in 1910 in an exhibition organised by the art dealer Ambroise Vollard. Vollard was a great patron of Vlaminck's; in 1905 he bought a large part of Vlaminck's studio inventory, thus giving him - temporarily - financial independence.

Material & Technik
Öl auf Leinwand
Museum Barberini
Ort & Datierung